
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

People of masjid and ikhtilat

If we ‘hit’ upon people of the masjid when we do gash or door- to- door:

- We can say, “Alhamdulillah, people of the masjid! People of the masjid are the ones we really want to see most.”

- Be in a discussion mode.


Jikalau semasa gash atau dakwah pintu- ke- pintu, kita terjumpa ahli-ahli masjid (orang- orang yang biasa ke masjid):

- Kita boleh berkata begini, “Alhamdulillah, ahli masjid! Ahli masjid la yang kita paling nak jumpa sekali.”

- Letakkan diri dalam keadaan seolah- olah ingin berbincang.


Rules of ikhtilat:

- Khilafah

o Khalifah of Allah

o Ummat Nabi SAW

o Inheritors of Quran

- Kalimah

- Akhirah (or is it Risalah? i.e. importance of being involved in effort of Deen)


Peraturan semasa ikhtilat (bergaul dengan orang- orang tempatan):

- Khilafah

o Khalifah Allah

o Ummat Nabi SAW

o Pewaris Quran

- Kalimah

- Akhirah (ke Risalah? Risalah – pentingnya terlibat dalam kerja agama)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

khususi & a story


- If the house is too small, or lots of kids that can distract the conversation, bring the brother to the masjid, or further away, like lawns.

- The best place to speak is at the masjid, not at home, because full attention and the environment is there.


A brother wants to quit his job and go for 4 months. He already married. When an old worker at his place know about this, he advise him not to quit his job, but to do 2 things:

- Don’t miss the local efforts

- Do his job as best as he could.

So the brother cancels quitting and did the above. Later, after awhile, his father-in-law who used to dislike him for being involved in this effort, turned to like him because he didn’t left his family for long. His boss, seeing that he does his job excellently, said to him that he can go for 40 days, and the boss will wait for him to return, even for 4 months. The boss likes him and felt such a loss to sack him if he goes out. The brother then took his leave and goes out for 4 months:

- The benefit of doing consultation (masywarah)

- Slow and steady is better than going out and face problems

- Local efforts are important for us to go out.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Taaruf bayan (bayan Zuhur) Maulana Ilyas RAH

- One is qudratullah, one is sunnatullah.
- Without anything and any means, Allah creates things. This is qudratullah, like earth, humans, etc.
- Without prophets PBUH, Allah gives hidayat. This is qudratullah. With prophets, Allah gives hidayat. This is sunnatullah.
- When 2 things meet, Allah creates the third thing. This is sunnatullah. Like when a shopkeeper takes care of his shop, business comes in. When a blacksmith hits irons, sword is made. When man and woman have relationship, a child is born.
- When 2 forces get together, hijrah and nusrah, Allah spreads hidayat. This is sunnatullah.
- Just like sahabah RA, Muhajirin made full hijrah, and Ansar made full nusrah.
- When hijrah and nusrah are given their due rights, Allah spreads hidayat. We are unable to give due rights, but we can learn to imitate them.
- We are imitating Muhajirin. So now, we request local brothers to imitate the Ansar. (Note: Don't say "We're Muhajirin")
- Because it comes from hadith, that those who imitates a nation, they're from them.
- Who are ready to be with us for the whole 3 days?
- Who are ready to be with us for the whole day?
- Who are ready to be with us for now till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for Asar till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for Maghrib till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for the bayan tonight?
(Note: Gradually, decrease the tashkil so that everybody is included.)

*Loose notes of what heard from Maulana Ismail, who heard it from Maulana Syahabuddin, who heard it from Miaji Mehrab, who heard it from Maulana Ilyas taaruf bayan.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Old people / orang lama

- Don’t be too pushy. Make a simple invitation.

- If he insisted on not going, have a good thought on him. Consider him an ahli zikir. E.g.: Abbas RA is too old by the time he became Muslim, so Rasul SAW taught him doa & zikir & solat tasbih.

- If he don’t go out, at least make an effort that he’ll love this effort, and not going against it. Perhaps, he’ll ask his sons & grandsons to join this effort.

- Ikram him, as if he’s our own uncle.

- If possible, get a person same age or older than him to meet him.

- Ikram his grandsons / small sons.

- Old people remembers our ikram (food, gift) better than our speech, and they like to tell it again and again to other people.

- Jangan terlalu mendesak. Ajak secara ringkas sahaja.

- Jika dia berkeras hendak menolak, bersangka baiklah. Mungkin dia ahli zikir. Abbas RA sudah lanjut umurnya semasa beliau memeluk Islam, maka Nabi SAW ajarkannya zikir dan doa dan solat tasbih.

- Jika dia tidak ikut keluar, usahakan supaya dia suka dengan usaha ini, dan tidak anti. Dengan ini, dia akan mengajak anak atau cucunya untuk keluar.

- Ikram seolah- olah dia pakcik kita sendiri.

- Jika boleh, bawa orang yang lebih kurang sama umur atau lebih tua berjumpa dengannya.

- Ikram anak- anaknya yang masih kecil atau cucunya.

- Orang- orang lama lebih mengingati ikram kita daripada bayan kita, dan mereka akan mengulang- ngulang tentang ikram kita itu kepada orang lain.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Adab Bayan

- Make doa that Allah conveys what He desires to the audience through our tongues, and that they and us can practise and convey what we heard.

- Clothes give the first impression to the audience. Avoid see –thru jubah, especially if you’re wearing shirt with picture inside

- Stand properly

- Make intention that this bayan is for the whole world

- Don’t be haste or rushing in giving bayan. Maulana Yusuf RAH always stay quiet in tafakur for 5 minutes before starting bayan. When asked, he said, “I don’t want to give bayan with my nafs.”

- It’s good to know the type of audience you’re giving bayan to.

- Fajar Bayan is the main bayan (not Maghrib as most of us thought), followed by Maghrib’s bayan, and then Asar.

- Fajar Bayan should revolve around 6 points. Asar Bayan should be about the importance of gash. Maghrib’s bayan is about the importance of this noble work.

- After presenting 5 amal, tasykil should be made again. “Who’s ready for 5 amal?”

- Solat taubat after bayan.

- Do lots of khidmat after bayan, as bayan raises one’s pride, and khidmat surpresses them.


- Doa semoga Allah sampaikan apa yang dikehendaki melalui lidah kita kepada majmak, dan semoga kita dan majmak dapat amal dan sampaikan.

- Pakaian memberikan impresi pertama kepada majmak. Elakkan memakai jubah atau baju yang nipis, terutamanya jika memakai baju yang bergambar di dalamnya.

- Berdiri dengan betul.

- Niatkan untuk seluruh alam.

- Jangan terburu- buru atau gopoh dalam memulakan bayan. Maulana Yusuf RAH selalunya bertafakur untuk 5 minit sebelum memulakan bayan. Bila ditanya, katanya, “Aku tidak mahu memberi bayan dengan nafsu.”

- Lebih baik jika kita tahu siapa majmak kita.

- Bayan yang paling utama ialah bayan Subuh (bukannya Maghrib seperti yang ramai beranggapan), diikuti Maghrib, dan Asar.

- Bayan Subuh berkisar mengenai 6 perkara, bayan Asar mengenai kepentingan usaha ziarah, dan bayan Maghrib mengenai kepentingan kerja dakwah.

- Selepas pembentangan 5 amal, tasykil patut dilakukan sekali lagi. “Siapa sedia untuk 5 amal?”

- Solat taubat selepas bayan.

- Lakukan banyak khidmat selepas bayan, kerana bayan menaikkan nafsu, sedangkan khidmat lebih menekan nafsu.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On solah, door-to-door, young leader


- Solah starts from taharah to salam, not from takbir.
- When we stand in solah, we should feel that our sins are lifted from our feet towards our heads, and when we bow (ruku’), the sins are released. Therefore, we should happy to stand longer in our solah (Sahih Jazbah)
- If there’s no ihsan in solah, i.e. feeling that Allah is looking at us in solah, then that is not a solah.


- Door-to-door is a must everyday (aside from our khususi), to increase our iman.
- Don’t specify the house to go, just specify the routes.
- Speak about: 1) Work of nubuwwat, 2) Iman / Kalimah Toyyibah
- Invite on: 1) Going out in the path of Allah (khuruj), 2) local efforts
- Don’t be affected with their Insya Allah if they try to cut short
- It’s better to know their occupation, especially if they’re ulama.

A young companion RA, was selected to be the leader of a group that includes Abu Darda RA (old timer / purana) & Muaz Jabal RA (scholar / ulama). He asked Nabi SAW what to do, regarding presiding over these two great figures? Nabi SAW advised the young companion RA, to always ask their advices whenever he wants to decide on anything.
- Young leader should not be worried when his group includes people senior than him, old timer, or scholars.



- Solat bermula dari bersuci, bukannya dari takbir.
- Bila kita berdiri dalam solat, kita seharusnya membayangkan dosa- dosa kita diangkat dari kaki ke kepala. Bila kita rukuk, maka dosa- dosa itu terbebas dari kita. Oleh itu, kita sepatutnya berasa gembira berdiri lebih lama dalam solat kita.
- Kalau tiada ihsan dalam solat, iaitu membayangkan Allah melihat kita dalam solat, maka itu bukanlah solat.

Pintu ke pintu:

- Dakwah pintu ke pintu sepatutnya dibuat setiap hari, selain khususi, untuk meningkatkan iman kita.
- Jangan tentukan rumah yang hendak diketuk, tentukan jalannya sahaja.
- Percakapan berkisar: 1) Kerja kenabian, 2)Iman / Kalimah
- Ajak kepada: 1) Keluar di jalan Allah, 2) Usaha tempatan
- Jangan terkesan dengan “Insya Allah” mereka, bila mereka cuba memendekkan perbualan.
- Lebih baik kalau kita tahu keperluan mereka, lebih- lebih lagi jika ulama.

Seorang sahabat muda, RA, dilantik menjadi amir kepada satu jemaah, yang di dalamnya terdapat Abu Darda RA (orang lama / rakan seusaha yang lama) dan Muaz Jabal RA (alim ulamak). Beliau bertanyakan Nabi SAW, apa yang perlu dilakukannya bila mana jemaahnya dianggotai dua tokoh ini. Nabi SAW menasihatkannya supaya, dalam membuat keputusan, selalulah bertanyakan pendapat kedua- dua mereka.
- Amir- amir yang muda tidak seharusnya risau bila jemaah mereka dianggotai orang- orang lama atau alim ulamak.

Monday, June 14, 2010


*Loosely translated (The correct gist is to learn Arabic. Verily, the ideal meanings are hardly able to entirely transcending across the language barrier):

Wahai Tuhan ku tak layak ke syurga Mu
Namun tak pula aku sanggup ke neraka Mu
Ampunkan dosa ku terimalah taubat ku

Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Pengampun dosa-dosa besar

Dosa-dosaku bagaikan pepasir di pantai Terimalah taubatku wahai Tuhan yang Maha Tinggi Umurku berkurangan setiap hari
Dan dosaku sentiasa bertambah sepertimana sangkaanku

HambaMu yang berdosa mendatangiMu,
Sentiasa berbuat dosa, dan sesungguhnya telah berdoa kepadaMu,
Jika Kau ampunkan, maka untuk itu Kau amat berkebolehan,
Jika Kau menolak, siapakah yang dapat Kami harapkan selain Engkau?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nasihat dalam bayan hidayat

Bayan hidayat Sri Petaling:

- When in jamaat, daily musywarah should be done about fikir on how work can increase, NOT the regular program like who’s doing bayan, who’s doing taalim, etc. The regular program can just be decided later, and quickly on the fly.

- Effort should be done by considering the people outside. If gash after Asar can’t meet people, do gash after Maghrib, or after Zuhur, morning, any time that people are easily found in their houses. Lots of time, people are in houses, but jamaat is busy doing taalim at the masjid. Then, when gash, nobody is around.

- Less time in rest & eating: Why when we are at our workplace, we can sleep less / rest less? When in jamaat, sleep & rest should be less, to the point that you fell asleep when the program is finished. At that time, sleep is a necessity, not an objective anymore.


- Semasa keluar, mesyuarat harian sepatutnya dilakukan tentang bagaimana kerja dapat ditingkatkan, bukannya untuk program jemaah seharian, seperti siapa yang bayan, siapa yang mengendalikan taalim, dll. Program jemaah seharian boleh diputuskan kemudian, dan bila- bila sahaja.

- Usaha patut dilakukan berdasarkan keadaan masyarakat di luar. Jika tidak ramai orang di rumah jika gash dilakukan selepas Asar, gash sepatutnya dibuat selepas Maghrib, Zuhur, pagi, atau bila- bila yang ramai orang boleh dijumpai di rumah- rumah mereka. Acapkali terjadi, ramai orang di rumah pada suatu masa, tetapi ketika itu, jemaah sibuk bertaalim di masjid. Kemudian, apabila gash dilakukan, tiada orang di rumah.

- Kurangkan masa rehat dan makan: Kenapa bila di pejabat, kita boleh kurangkan rehat dan tidur? Semasa keluar, kita sepatutnya kurangkan masa rehat dan tidur kita, sehingga tiba di suatu tahap di mana kita akan tertidur bila selesai sahaja program. Barulah ketika itu, tidur menjadi keperluan, bukannya matlamat.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The correct speech

"If not because I'm worried about the misunderstanding that may arise, I would have just limit the 6 points into 2 points - Iman and Solat." - M. Ilyas RAH

First point can be attained by trying to change our speech to speech that attributes to Allah.

When our speech is correct, there's no room for devil to go into our speech. When speech is correct, hearts will be correct, the deeds will be correct.

The correct speech is, to change from speech that praises creation (makhluq) to speech that praises Allah (khaliq), e.g.: "This food is delicious," to "Alhamdulillah, Allah made this food delicious."

4 form of praises:
- Allah praises Allah
- Allah praises makhluq, e.g. Prophet SAW
- Creation praises Allah (correct speech)
- Creation praises creation

To give a correct speech is so hard outside of effort area, like in office or at home. Not even among the brothers who are involved in effort. That's why it's important that our daily hours, 3 days, etc are focused in giving the correct speech.


"Jika tidak kerana risaukan kesalahfahaman yang mungkin timbul, mahu sahaja aku hadkan 6 perkara kepada 2 sahaja - Iman dan Solat." - M. Ilyas RAH

Hakikat pertama akan dapat diperolehi apabila kita tukarkan percakapan kita kepada percakapan yang berkait dengan Allah.

Bila percakapan kita betul, tiada ruang untuk syaitan masuk ke dalam percakapan kita. Bila percakapan betul, hati akan betul, amal pun akan jadi betul.

Percakapan yang betul, ialah untuk menukar percakapan yang memuji makhluk, kepada percakapan yang memuji Allah. Contohnya, "Sedap lauk ni'" kepada "Alhamdulillah, Allah jadikan lauk ni sedap."

4 bentuk pujian:
- Allah memuji Allah
- Allah memuji mahkluk, contohnya Nabi SAW
- Makhluk memuji Allah (percakapan yang betul)
- Makhluk memuji makhluk

Dewasa ini, sangat susah untuk bercakap dengan betul di luar waktu usaha, seperti di rumah dan di pejabat. Bahkan, di kalangan rakan- rakan seusaha sendiri. Sebab itulah, penting untuk masa harian kita, 3 hari, dll. difokuskan kepada melatih percakapan yang betul.

Slander of Aishah RA

When Aishah RA was slandered (Hadithul Ifk), she didn't know about it, and even the whole Madinah became worried but the help from Allah didn't come. Because one person doesn't have the fikir, i.e. Aishah RA herself. When Aishah RA listened to the whispers from womenfolk, then she became worried. Only then, the help of Allah descended.

Morale: Situation hardly changes regardless of how many people become worried about it, if the person afflicted himself didn't have the worry. Only when the affected person starts worrying, then the help of Allah will come.


Bila Aishah RA difitnah, beliau tidak sedar pada mulanya yang beliau sedang difitnah. Oleh itu, walaupun seluruh kota Madinah risau tentang keadaan itu, pertolongan Allah belum turun. Hanya apabila Aishah RA terdengar bisikan para kaum wanita, barulah beliau menjadi risau dan mula mengetahui tentang keadaan dirinya. Selepas itulah, pertolongan Allah turun.

Keadaan sukar berubah, walaupun seramai mana yang risau tentang keadaan itu, selagi orang yang terlibat itu sendiri tidak ada kerisauan yang sama. Hanya apabila timbul kerisauan dari orang itu sendiri, barulah pertolongan Allah akan tiba.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The richest man

Seorang lelaki dikatakan paling kaya dalam bandarnya. Bila orang ramai ke rumahnya, tiada apa yang dilihat mewah atau istimewa dalam rumahnya. Bila ditanya, lelaki itu menjawab,
"Dunia bukan tempat jadi kaya. Semua harta saya sudah dihantar ke akhirat untuk bina rumah saya di sana."
Inilah kaya yang sebenar.


A man is said to be the richest in his city. When people went to his house, there's nothing much in the house, nothing extravagant, nor special. Upon asked, the man replied,
"This world is not the place to be rich. I sent all my wealth to the Hereafter, to build my house there."
Now, that's the true wealth.

When dakwah is alive

Bila dakwah hidup,
Agama akan hidup,
Fardu akan hidup,
Sunnah akan hidup,
Makruh akan ditinggalkan,
Perkara harus akan jadi ibadat,
Perempuan akan tutup aurat,
Taat perintah Allah dan perintah suami,
Anak- anak akan taati ibubapa,
Rumah- rumah akan hidup dengan amalan agama,
Perniagaan dengan cara Islam,
Sosial dengan cara Islam,
Ekonomi dengan cara Islam,
Orang bukan Islam akan serahkan kuasa kepada orang Islam,

Tapi bila dakwah mati,
Agama akan mati,
Fardu akan mati,
Sunnah akan ditinggalkan,
Makruh akan dibanyakkan,
Perkara haram akan hidup,
Perkara harus akan jadi haram,
Perempuan tidak tutup aurat,
Tak taat Allah, tak taat suami,
Anak- anak derhaka kepada ibu bapa,
Rumah- rumah akan malap dari amalan agama,
Perniagaan dengan cara nafsu,
Sosial dengan cara nafsu,
Ekonomi dengan cara nafsu,
Orang bukan Islam akan pegang semua kuasa.


When dakwah is alive,
The deen will be alive,
Compulsory acts will be alive,
The way of Prophet SAW will be alive,
Offensive acts will be abandoned,
Allowed acts will be rewardful,
Women will observe their modesty,
And obey Allah and their husbands,
Children will respect their parents,
Houses will be alive with religious deeds,
Business will be conducted in the Islamic way,
Socials in the Islamic way,
Economy in the Islamic way,
The non-Muslims will be willing to let go the powers to the Muslims,

But when dakwah died,
The deen will die,
Compulsory acts will die,
The way of Prophet SAW will be abandoned,
Offensive acts will increase,
The sinful acts will become alive,
Allowed acts now become sinful,
Women don't observe their modesty,
Disobeying Allah and their husbands,
Children no longer respect their parents,
Houses will fade from religious deeds,
Business is conducted immorally,
Socials immorally,
Economy immorally,
The non-Muslims will have powers upon Muslims.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cone of Learning

I was reading an online forum, when I came upon this cone. Cone of Learning by Edgar Dale. I knew I heard about this read-hear-see-do effects before, but this one even have an example at every levels.

Which quickly prompts me to think about taalim sittings. Although the books are pretty much read everyday again and again, however the effect of hearing the hadith being read, compared to reading the hadith ourselves, will never be the same. At least 10% difference!

And the bigger benefit is to get the effects from all levels, reading, hearing, seeing, doing it.

No wonder our elders, among them Maulana Saad, asking us, beside attending our regular taalim, to do our own personal readings of books like "The Lives of Companions" (Hayatus Sahabah) and "Virtues of Charity" (Fadhail Sadaqat), at our own free times.

10% of what we read - Our own personal readings at our free times
20% of what we hear - Regular taalim sittings
70% of what we say - Daily individual dakwah, muzakarah, bayan
90% of what we say and do - Local efforts and go out in the path of Allah.

Beautiful, subhanallah!


Saya sedang membaca satu forum di Internet, bila mana saya terlihat satu gambarajah mengenai "Cone of Learning" oleh Edgar Dale. Saya rasa, perkara tentang bagaimana pembacaan, pendengaran, penglihatan, dan perlakuan boleh memberi kesan yang berbeza, sudah diketahui ramai.

Apa yang lebih menarik ialah, kewujudan contoh pada setiap aras dalam gambarajah ini. Yang sangat mengingatkan saya kepada majlis taalim. Walaupun hadis yang dibaca telah berulang kali didengari, namun kesan dari mendengar hadis itu dibaca, tidaklah sama jika dibandingkan dengan kesan jika kita sendiri hanya membaca hadis itu. Sekurang- kurangnya 10%!

Manfaat yang lebih besar ialah, jika kesemua aras deria dapat digunakan untuk memberi lebih kesan kepada diri kita.

Tidak hairanlah, akabir kita, antaranya Maulana Saad, menyarankan agar kita, selain menghadiri majlis- majlis taalim kita, turut sama membaca kitab- kitab ini sendiri di waktu lapang kita.

10% dari apa yang kita baca - Bacaan kita di waktu lapang kita
20% dari apa yang kita dengar - Hadirnya kita mendengar di majlis taalim
70% dari apa yang kita cakap - Dakwah individu, perbincangan, dan bayan
90% dari apa yang kita buat - Usaha tempatan dan usaha keluar di jalan Allah.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


According to the hadeeth narrated by the great Sahabi Ibn al-Hanzaliyyah, the Prophet (PBUH) told his Companions, when they were travelling to meet some brothers in faith: "You are going to visit your brothers, so repair your saddles and make sure that you are dressed well, so that you will stand out among people like an adornment, for Allaah (SWT) does not love ugliness."[1]

The Prophet (PBUH) also advised moderation in food and drink: "There is no worse vessel for the son of Adam to fill than his stomach, but if he must fill it, the let him allow one-third for food, one-third for drink, and one-third for air."[2]

`Umar (RAA) said: "Beware of filling your stomachs with food and drink, for it is harmful to the body and causes sickness and laziness in performing prayers. Be moderate in both food and drink, for that is healthier for your bodies and furthest removed from extravagance. Allaah (SWT) will hate the fat man (one who revels in a life of luxury), and a man will not be condemned until he favours his desires over his religion."[3]

"Have a bath on Fridays and wash your heads, even if you are not in a state of janabah (impurity, e.g. following marital relations), and wear perfume."[4]

Imam Ahmad and al-Nisa'i report that Jabir (RAA) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) came to visit us, and saw a man who was wearing dirty clothes. He said, `Could this person not find anything with which to wash his clothes?'"

Bukhari reported from `Urwah (May Allah be pleased with her) via `Ata': "We heard `Aa'ishah the Mother of the Believers cleaning her teeth in the room . . ."[8]

Muslim also reports from `Urwah (May Allah be pleased with her) via `Ata': "We heard her using the siwak . . ."[9]

`A'aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) never woke from sleeping at any time of day or night without cleaning his teeth with a siwak before performing wudu'"[10]

The Prophet's concern for oral hygiene was so great that he said: "If it were not for the fact that I did not want to overburden my ummah, I would have ordered them to use the siwak before every prayer."[11]

`Aa'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) was asked what the Prophet (PBUH) used to do first when he came home. She said, "Use siwak."[12]

They are also at the heart of Islaam because the Prophet (PBUH) urged cleanliness on many occasions, and he detested unpleasant odours and an ugly appearance. He said: "Whoever eats onions, garlic or leeks should not approach our mosque, because whatever offends the sons of Adam may offend the angels."[13]

This is reported in the hadeeth quoted by Abu Dawud from Abu Hurayrah (RAA), who said:
"The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) said: `Whoever has hair, let him look after it properly.'"[14]

The Prophet (PBUH) did not like people to leave their hair uncombed and unkempt, so that they looked like wild monsters; he likened such ugliness to the appearance of the Shaytaan. In al-Muwatta', Imaam Malik reports a hadeeth with a mursal isnad from `Ata' ibn Yassar, who said: "The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) was in the mosque, when a man with unkempt hair and an untidy beard came in. The Prophet (PBUH) pointed to him, as if indicating to him that he should tidy up his hair and beard. The man went and did so, then returned. The Prophet (PBUH) said, `Is this not better than that any one of you should come with unkempt hair, looking like the Shaytaan?'"[15]

The Prophet (PBUH) always took note of people's appearance, and he never saw a scruffily-dressed man with untidy hair but he criticized him for his self-neglect. Imaam Ahmad and al-Nisa'i report that Jabir (RAA) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) came to visit us, and he saw an unkempt man whose hair was going in all directions, so he said, `Could he not find anything with which to calm his head?'"[16]

Al-Qurtubi said: "Makhul reported from `Aa'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her): `A group of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) were waiting at the door for him, so he prepared to go out to meet them. There was a vessel of water in the house, and he peered into it, smoothing his beard and his hair. (`Aa'ishah said) I asked him, "O Messenger of Allaah, even you do this?" He said, "Yes, when a man goes out to meet his brothers, let him prepare himself properly, for Allaah (SWT) is beautiful and loves beauty."[17]

He regarded dressing well and looking good to be a demonstration of the Blessings of Allaah (SWT): "Allaah (SWT) loves to see the signs His gifts on His servant."[18]

Ibn Sa`d reports in al-Tabaqat (4/346) that Jundub ibn Makith (RAA) said: "Whenever a delegation came to meet the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH), he would wear his best clothes and order his leading Companions to do likewise. I saw the Prophet (PBUH) on the day that the delegation of Kindah came to meet him; he was wearing a Yemeni garment, and Abu Bakr and `Umar were dressed similarly."

Ibn al-Mubarak, Tabarani, al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi and others report that `Umar (RAA) said: "I saw the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) ask for a new garment. He put it on, and when it reached his knees he said, `Praise be to Allaah (SWT), Who has given me clothes with which to cover myself and make myself look beautiful in this life.'"[19]

Therefore Imaam Abu Hanifah (RAA) always took care to dress well and to ensure that he smelled clean and fresh, and urged others to do likewise. One day he met a man who used to attend his circle, who was dressed in scruffy clothes. He took him to one side and offered him a thousand dirhams with which to smarten himself up. The man told him, "I have money; I do not need this." Abu Hanifah admonished him: "Have you not heard the hadeeth, `Allaah (SWT) loves to see the signs of His gifts on His servant'? So you have to change yourself, and not appear offensive to your friend."

"Wretched is the slave of the dinar, dirham and fancy clothes of velvet and silk! If he is given, he is pleased, and if he is not given, he is displeased." [22]

"A man's tongue is half of him, and the other half is his heart; What is left is nothing more than the image of flesh and blood."[23]



1 Reported by Abu Dawud, 4/83, in Kitab al-libas, bab ma ja'a fi isbal al-izar; its isnad is sahih.

2 A sahih hasan hadith narrated by Ahmad, 4/132, and Tirmidhi, 4/18, in Kitab al-zuhd, bab ma ja'a fi karahiyyah kathirat al-akl.

3 Kanz al-ummal, 15/433. See also the valuable article on the harmful effects of over-filling the stomach on a person's body, mind and soul, by Muhammad Nazim Nasimi MD in Hadarah al-Islam, Nos. 5, 6, Vol. 15.

4 Fath al-Bari, 2/370, Kitab al-jumu'ah, bab al-dahn li'l-jumu'ah. Note: the command to wear perfume applies to men only; it is forbidden for women to wear perfume when they go out. [Translator]

5 A hadith narrated by 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar and recorded as sahih by Abu 'Awanah, Ibn Khazimah and Ibn Hibban. See also Fath al-Bari, 2/356, Kitab al-jumu'ah, bab fadl al-ghusl yawm al-jumu'ah.

7 See Samihah A. Wirdi, Min al-riqq il'al'sayadah, Damla Yayinevi No. 89, p. 28ff.

8 Fath al-Bari, 3/599, Kitab al-'umrah, bab kam a'tamara al-Nabi (r).

9 Sahih Muslim, 8/236, Kitab al-Hajj, bab 'adad 'amar al-Nabi (r) wa zamanihinna.

10 A hasan hadith, narrated by Ahmad (6/160) and Abu Dawud (1/46) in Kitab al-taharah, bab al-siwak.

11 Fath al-Bari, 2/374, Kitab al-jumu'ah, bab al-siwak yawm al-jumu'ah; Sahih Muslim, 3/143, Kitab al-taharah, bab al-siwak.

12 Sahih Muslim, 3/143, Kitab al-taharah, bab al-siwak.

13 Sahih Muslim, 5/50, Kitab al-masajid, bab nahi akil al-thum wa'l-basal 'an hudur al-masjid.

14 Reported by Abu Dawud, 4/108, in Kitab al-tarajjul, bab fi islah al-sha'r; its isnad is hasan.

15 al-Muwatta', 2/949, Kitab al-sha'r, bab islah al-sha'r.

16 A sahih hadith reported by Ahmad (3/357) and al-Nisa'i (8/183) in Kitab al-zinah, bab taskin al-sha'r.

17 See Tafsir al-Qurtubi, 7/197.

18 A hasan hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, 4/206, in Kitab al-isti'dhan, bab athar al-ni'mah 'ala'l-'abd.

19 See Al-Targhib wa'l-Tarhib, 3/93, Kitab al-libas wa'l-zinah.

20 Sa hih Muslim, 2/89, Kitab al-iman, bab tahrim al-kibr.

21Fath al-Bari, 10/334, Kitab al-libas, bab qass al- sharib; Muslim, 3/146, Kitab al-taharah, bab khisal al-fitrah.

22 Fayd al-Bari, 6/81, Kitab al-jihad, bab al-hirasah fi'l-ghazw fi sabil-Allah.

23 See Hashimi (ed.), Jumharah Ash'ar al-'Arab, 1/300, published by Dar al-Qalam, 1406 AH.

5 golongan yang perlu ada di markaz / 5 types of people that should exist in every markaz

5 golongan rakan seusaha yang perlu wujud di setiap markaz di seluruh dunia:

1 - Mereka yang sedia keluar bila- bila masa
2 - Mereka yang sedia keluar tanpa had masa
3 - Mereka yang sedia keluar dengan sesiapa sahaja
4 - Mereka yang sedia keluar ke mana- mana
5 - Mereka yang sedia keluar semata- mata kerana Allah


5 types of brothers that should exist in every markaz throughout the whole world:

1 - Those who are willing to go out any time
2 - Those who are willing to go out as long as needed
3 - Those who are willing to go out with anyone, no matter who
4 - Those who are willing to go out anywhere
5 - Those who are willing to go out only for the sake of Allah

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Contoh yakinnya Sayidina Umar RA / Example of how convinced Sayidina Umar RA

Kisah masyhur, semasa Rasul SAW berhijrah, baginda telah dikejar oleh Suraqah, seorang penjejak (trekker / tracker?) yang mahir. Dan seterusnya, kisahnya sekian sekian, bila Suraqah ditanya oleh baginda, apakah ganjaran yang ditawarkan? Jawabnya, 100 ekor unta. Rasul SAW berkata, mafhumnya, Kamu mengejar aku kerana 100 ekor unta, aku tidak dapat bayangkan bagaimana keadaan kamu bila kamu memakai gelang- gelang Kisra.

Semasa pemerintahan Sayidina Umar RA, telah berlaku perang di mana kerajaan Parsi telah dapat dijatuhkan. Harta rampasan melimpah- ruah di luar kebiasaan; antaranya permaidani sebesar 3 padang bola sehingga perlu dipotong- potong, mahkota Kisra yang sarat bertatahkan permata dan berlian. Beratnya mahkota itu, sehinggakan perlu digantung dengan rantai- rantai emas, dan Kisra hanya meletakkan kepalanya tanpa menampung beratnya mahkota itu. Jika putus rantai- rantai itu, patah leher Kisra kerana beratnya mahkota itu.

Setelah dihimpunkan kesemua harta rampasan, maka senarai harta rampasan pun dibuat oleh Abu Ubaidah Jarrah RA. Abu Ubaidah RA, berdasarkan hadis Nabi SAW, merupakan orang yang paling amanah dalam umat ini. Bila diserahkan kepada Sayidina Umar RA, selepas membacanya, Umar RA berkata, "Senarai ini tidak lengkap." "Apa yang tidak lengkap?" "Ini tidak boleh diberitahu, kamu sendiri yang harus mencarinya."

Maka, dicari- cari di pelosok istana Kisra, hingga terjumpa satu pasu yang diisi jerami. Bila diangkat jerami, didapati gelang- gelang Kisra. Dan diserahkan kepada Sayidina Umar RA.

Sayidina Umar RA menyembunyikan gelang- gelang itu di belakangnya, lalu diperintahkan Suraqah RA dipanggil. Suraqah RA pun datang, lalu Sayidina Umar RA memintanya menghulurkan kedua- dua belah tangannya. Bila dihulurkan, Sayidina Umar RA pun memasang kedua- dua belah gelang itu. Menangislah Suraqah RA, terkenangkan kata- kata Rasul SAW terhadap beliau.

Betapa yakinnya Sayidina Umar RA terhadap kata- kata Rasul SAW, selepas berbelas- belas tahun berlalu (sejak Hijrahnya Rasul SAW), beliau masih ingat kata- kata baginda terhadap Suraqah. Sayidina Umar RA sanggup berkata senarai harta rampasan yang melimpah- ruah itu masih tidak lengkap, padahal dikumpul oleh seorang yang tidak lain, adalah orang yang paling amanah dalam umat ini. Bagi Sayidina Umar RA, orang yang paling amanah pun boleh berbuat silap, tapi janji Rasul SAW tidak pernah silap.


It's a famous story, during the migration of Rasul SAW, he was chased by Suraqah, a skillful tracker. The story goes, when Suraqah was asked by Rasul SAW, what is the reward offered for catching Rasul SAW, the reward is 100 camels. Rasul SAW said, more or less, You chased me because of 100 camels, I can't imagine what will you feel, when you got the bracelets of Kisra (Chosroe).

During the caliphate of Umar RA, a great battle occured where Persian Empire was defeated by Muslims. The war booties are so numerous, among them, carpets as big as 3 football fields, that later cut into pieces, and the crown of Kisra that is studded with gems and diamonds. The crown is so heavy that it needs to be hanged with golden chains, and the Kisra will just placed his head under the crown. If the chains crack off, the Kisra's neck will break because of the heaviness of the crown.

After all the booties were gathered, a list of them was made by Abu Ubaidah Jarrah RA, who is according to Rasul SAW, the most trusted person in my Ummat. When the list was handed to Sayidina Umar RA, Sayidina Umar RA read it for a while, and then said, "This list is not complete." "What's missing?" "I can't inform you, you have to find it yourself."

So, the whole palace of Kisra was searched, until they found a vase filled with hays. When the hays were lifted, there was the Kisra's bracelets hidden beneath. They were handed to Sayidina Umar RA.

He hid them behind his back, and ordered Suraqah RA to be summoned. When Suraqah RA came, Sayidina Umar RA asked him to give both hands. Sayidina Umar RA then helped putting the bracelets into Suraqah's hands. Upon this, Suraqah RA weeps in remembering the words Rasul SAW to him long time ago.

How convinced Sayidina Umar RA with the words of Rasul SAW, after years and years (since the migration), he still remembered what Rasul SAW said to Suraqah RA. He insisted that the list of numerous bounties and booties from the war was not complete, although the person who compiled it, is none other than the one that Rasul SAW said, the most trusted person in my Ummat. For Sayidina Umar RA, the most trusted person can still do mistake, but the words of Rasul SAW never have any slightest mistake.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kisah di Sri Lanka / Incident in Sri Lanka

Jemaah Malaysia keluar di Sri Lanka, berkesempatan pergi khususi (dakwah khusus) untuk membentuk jemaah ulamak di sana. Sampai di sesebuah rumah, rahaba (penunjuk jalan) akan tanya, langsir rumah ni warna apa, pintu warna apa, tangga macam ni tak, sekian sekian. Jemaah akan pastikan, ya betul, betul, warna sekian sekian, tangga macam sekian sekian.

Masuk ke rumah, tuan rumah sambut. Lepas seketika, tuan rumah tanya, datang dengan sapa? Jemaah jawab, ni orang tempatan ni, jadi rahaba saya. Tuan rumah kata, dia ni buta!

Maknanya, rahaba tu walaupun buta, dia hafal keadaan rumah- rumah di kampung tu, dan siapa penghuni- penghuninya, tanda hebatnya usaha tempatan yang dijalankan. Rahaba buta pun boleh tunjuk jalan!


A Malaysian jamaat that went to Sri Lanka, was going out to do khususi (individual visits) to form a jamaat of ulamak (scholars) over there. Whenever they reached a home, the local brother who guides them will ask, is the curtain this color, is the door this color, does the stairs look like this, etcetc. The Malaysian will confirm, yes, the curtain is that color, the door is like that, the stairs are like that, etcetc.

So, they entered the house, and greeted by the houseowner, an 'alim. After awhile, the alim asked, who do you come with? The Malaysian replied, with him, this local brother. The alim replied, this brother is blind!

This shows how great the local efforts in Sri Lanka, they knew inside out of each every houses and the residents, that even a blind brother can guide the way!

Laporan di Ternate / Reports at Ternate

Laporan jemaah keluar di Ternate:

Jemaah naik bot, takde pelabuhan. Rahaba (penunjuk jalan) bekalkan plastik kecil untuk setiap orang. Rupa- rupanya untuk bungkus duit dengan pasport. Sebab takde pelabuhan, kena turun dari bot, dan redah laut untuk ke darat / pantai.

Orang- orang tempatan telah sambut di pantai. Unggun api dipasang untuk keringkan beg- beg dan pakaian jemaah.

Waktu Zuhur, ramai orang datang. Bila jemaah tanya, ada kematian atau kenduri ke? Dijawabnya tak. Orang tempatan beritahu, lelaki 100% solat berjemaah.

Lepas solat, orang tempatan tasykil siapa sedia untuk nusrah taam (sediakan makanan) untuk jemaah? Ramai angkat tangan, dan peliknya ramai yang dipilih. Rupa- rupanya setiap ahli jemaah dibawa ke rumah- rumah yang berlainan. Lauk kangkung, sambal, ikan seekor. Cukup miskin dan daif. Tapi 100% lelaki solat berjemaah dan 100% wanita tutup aurat, kecuali beberapa orang jururawat yang bukan orang tempatan.


Report on jamaat that went to Ternate:

Jamaat rode a boat, but there's no jetty at the island. The local guide gives small plastics to each person. It turns out that the plastics are for keeping the monies and the passport from wet. Since there's no jetty, people have to wade through the water to get to the shore.

Local brothers greeted the jamaat and set up a fire to dry up the bags and the clothes.

During Zuhur time, many people turned out. When jamaat asks, is there any death or feast today, the local brothers answered no, this island, 100% men prays in jamaat (congregation).

After solat, local brothers asked for anybody who's ready to provide food to the jamaat. Many people raised their hands, and strangely many were chosen. Actually, what happened was, each member of jamaat were brought to different houses. The dishes are kangkung (a kind of green vegetation easily found), sambal (chilli paste?) and a small fish. Their conditions are very poor, but 100% men prays in jamaat, and 100% women covered their aurats, except some nurses who are not locals.

Usaha di rumah / Efforts at home

Usaha untuk mewujudkan suasana agama di rumah- rumah:

- Mesyuarat harian
- Muzakarah (perbincangan) 6 perkara oleh setiap ahli keluarga
- Muzakarah 5 adab: adab makan, adab tandas, adab safar, adab tidur, adab taalim
- Makan berjemaah sekurang- kurangnya 1 kali sehari.
- Muzakarah adab sunnah
- Pembahagian kerja: Dakwah, taalim, ibadat, khidmat

Q: Identiti rumah- rumah orang Islam?
A: Ada tabir!

Q: Macam mana nak lakukan usaha ziarah (gash) kalau 100% lelaki sudah ada di masjid? (utopia?)
A: Pergi rumah ke rumah, kemudian setiap suami (tuan kepada rumah itu) akan dakwahkan isteri- isteri dan wanita- wanita mereka.


Efforts at home:
- Daily musyawarah
- Discussion (muzakarah) on 6 points
- Discussion on 5 etiquettes: Etiquette of eating, etiquette of toilets, etiquette of travelling, etiquette of sleeping, etiquette of taalim
- Eating as one family at least once a day
- Discussion of etiquette of sunnah
- Dividing work: Dakwah, Taalim, Ibadat, and khidmat

Q: What is the sign of Muslims houses?
A: There's a curtain!

Q: How will we do visitation (jaulah) when 100% menfolk are already in the masjid?
A: Go from house to house, the husband (the owner of the house visited) will speak to his wives and womenfolk of that house.


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. We praise Him, seek His help, and seek His forgiveness. We seek His refuge from the evil of our souls and adverse consequences of our deeds from our deeds. Whoever Allah guides, there is none that can misguide him. Whoever He misguides, there is none that cam guide him.

I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. He's alone, having no partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad SAW is the messenger of Allah.

To proceed,

This blog is intended to keep record, or back-up, notes that I have written in the path of Allah, whether I'm in jamaat or when doing local effort (usaha tempatan). Most of the sources are from hearsay (cakap dengar), unless noted otherwise. Hence, they are to be taken as jist to improve ourselves, not to be debated about their authenticity, and that are left to be confirmed. Hopefully, one day, me, my offsprings, or anybody else can be benefitted from these notes.

And Allah knows best.

Abu Adi
Kemensah Heights
16 Rabiul Awal 1431