
Monday, December 6, 2010

Taaruf bayan (bayan Zuhur) Maulana Ilyas RAH

- One is qudratullah, one is sunnatullah.
- Without anything and any means, Allah creates things. This is qudratullah, like earth, humans, etc.
- Without prophets PBUH, Allah gives hidayat. This is qudratullah. With prophets, Allah gives hidayat. This is sunnatullah.
- When 2 things meet, Allah creates the third thing. This is sunnatullah. Like when a shopkeeper takes care of his shop, business comes in. When a blacksmith hits irons, sword is made. When man and woman have relationship, a child is born.
- When 2 forces get together, hijrah and nusrah, Allah spreads hidayat. This is sunnatullah.
- Just like sahabah RA, Muhajirin made full hijrah, and Ansar made full nusrah.
- When hijrah and nusrah are given their due rights, Allah spreads hidayat. We are unable to give due rights, but we can learn to imitate them.
- We are imitating Muhajirin. So now, we request local brothers to imitate the Ansar. (Note: Don't say "We're Muhajirin")
- Because it comes from hadith, that those who imitates a nation, they're from them.
- Who are ready to be with us for the whole 3 days?
- Who are ready to be with us for the whole day?
- Who are ready to be with us for now till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for Asar till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for Maghrib till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for the bayan tonight?
(Note: Gradually, decrease the tashkil so that everybody is included.)

*Loose notes of what heard from Maulana Ismail, who heard it from Maulana Syahabuddin, who heard it from Miaji Mehrab, who heard it from Maulana Ilyas taaruf bayan.

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