
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Slander of Aishah RA

When Aishah RA was slandered (Hadithul Ifk), she didn't know about it, and even the whole Madinah became worried but the help from Allah didn't come. Because one person doesn't have the fikir, i.e. Aishah RA herself. When Aishah RA listened to the whispers from womenfolk, then she became worried. Only then, the help of Allah descended.

Morale: Situation hardly changes regardless of how many people become worried about it, if the person afflicted himself didn't have the worry. Only when the affected person starts worrying, then the help of Allah will come.


Bila Aishah RA difitnah, beliau tidak sedar pada mulanya yang beliau sedang difitnah. Oleh itu, walaupun seluruh kota Madinah risau tentang keadaan itu, pertolongan Allah belum turun. Hanya apabila Aishah RA terdengar bisikan para kaum wanita, barulah beliau menjadi risau dan mula mengetahui tentang keadaan dirinya. Selepas itulah, pertolongan Allah turun.

Keadaan sukar berubah, walaupun seramai mana yang risau tentang keadaan itu, selagi orang yang terlibat itu sendiri tidak ada kerisauan yang sama. Hanya apabila timbul kerisauan dari orang itu sendiri, barulah pertolongan Allah akan tiba.

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