
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The correct speech

"If not because I'm worried about the misunderstanding that may arise, I would have just limit the 6 points into 2 points - Iman and Solat." - M. Ilyas RAH

First point can be attained by trying to change our speech to speech that attributes to Allah.

When our speech is correct, there's no room for devil to go into our speech. When speech is correct, hearts will be correct, the deeds will be correct.

The correct speech is, to change from speech that praises creation (makhluq) to speech that praises Allah (khaliq), e.g.: "This food is delicious," to "Alhamdulillah, Allah made this food delicious."

4 form of praises:
- Allah praises Allah
- Allah praises makhluq, e.g. Prophet SAW
- Creation praises Allah (correct speech)
- Creation praises creation

To give a correct speech is so hard outside of effort area, like in office or at home. Not even among the brothers who are involved in effort. That's why it's important that our daily hours, 3 days, etc are focused in giving the correct speech.


"Jika tidak kerana risaukan kesalahfahaman yang mungkin timbul, mahu sahaja aku hadkan 6 perkara kepada 2 sahaja - Iman dan Solat." - M. Ilyas RAH

Hakikat pertama akan dapat diperolehi apabila kita tukarkan percakapan kita kepada percakapan yang berkait dengan Allah.

Bila percakapan kita betul, tiada ruang untuk syaitan masuk ke dalam percakapan kita. Bila percakapan betul, hati akan betul, amal pun akan jadi betul.

Percakapan yang betul, ialah untuk menukar percakapan yang memuji makhluk, kepada percakapan yang memuji Allah. Contohnya, "Sedap lauk ni'" kepada "Alhamdulillah, Allah jadikan lauk ni sedap."

4 bentuk pujian:
- Allah memuji Allah
- Allah memuji mahkluk, contohnya Nabi SAW
- Makhluk memuji Allah (percakapan yang betul)
- Makhluk memuji makhluk

Dewasa ini, sangat susah untuk bercakap dengan betul di luar waktu usaha, seperti di rumah dan di pejabat. Bahkan, di kalangan rakan- rakan seusaha sendiri. Sebab itulah, penting untuk masa harian kita, 3 hari, dll. difokuskan kepada melatih percakapan yang betul.

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