
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kisah di Sri Lanka / Incident in Sri Lanka

Jemaah Malaysia keluar di Sri Lanka, berkesempatan pergi khususi (dakwah khusus) untuk membentuk jemaah ulamak di sana. Sampai di sesebuah rumah, rahaba (penunjuk jalan) akan tanya, langsir rumah ni warna apa, pintu warna apa, tangga macam ni tak, sekian sekian. Jemaah akan pastikan, ya betul, betul, warna sekian sekian, tangga macam sekian sekian.

Masuk ke rumah, tuan rumah sambut. Lepas seketika, tuan rumah tanya, datang dengan sapa? Jemaah jawab, ni orang tempatan ni, jadi rahaba saya. Tuan rumah kata, dia ni buta!

Maknanya, rahaba tu walaupun buta, dia hafal keadaan rumah- rumah di kampung tu, dan siapa penghuni- penghuninya, tanda hebatnya usaha tempatan yang dijalankan. Rahaba buta pun boleh tunjuk jalan!


A Malaysian jamaat that went to Sri Lanka, was going out to do khususi (individual visits) to form a jamaat of ulamak (scholars) over there. Whenever they reached a home, the local brother who guides them will ask, is the curtain this color, is the door this color, does the stairs look like this, etcetc. The Malaysian will confirm, yes, the curtain is that color, the door is like that, the stairs are like that, etcetc.

So, they entered the house, and greeted by the houseowner, an 'alim. After awhile, the alim asked, who do you come with? The Malaysian replied, with him, this local brother. The alim replied, this brother is blind!

This shows how great the local efforts in Sri Lanka, they knew inside out of each every houses and the residents, that even a blind brother can guide the way!

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