
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Maiyyatullah - kebersamaan dengan Allah

Bila dakwah jadi amal ijtima'i dan percakapan harian

- kisah Ummu Aiman ra dapat timba dari syurga - safar di luar kota, bergegas balik ke kota tapi tak sempat sampai sebelum waktu berbuka - telah doa kepada Allah, maka turun timba dari langit - lepas minum, timba itu naik semula - dan teruskan perjalanan 

- kisah Hassan Husin ra balik rumah dengan suluhan kilat lepas Isyak - bermain- main dengan Nabi SAW ketika solat di masjid Nabawi - Nabi SAW suruh pulang ke rumah ibu kamu - rumah Ali RA bukan berdekatan dengan masjid Nabawi macam rumah- rumah isteri- isteri Nabi SAW - Hassan dan Hussin RA masih kecil (umur 6 dan 7 masa wafatnya Nabi SAW) - melangkah keluar dari masjid, kilat telah terpancar dan bertahan beberapa lama sehingga cukup untuk mereka sampai ke rumah mereka - para sahabat RA meriwayatkan seolah- olah siang pada waktu malam

- kisah Hujr bin Adi Ra mandi wajib dalam penjara guna awan yang masuk - minta air minum diberi lebih awal untuk beberapa hari supaya bole mandi, esok tak payah bagi minum - pengawal tak nak, takut mati haus esok bila hari- hari yang tiada air - maka Hujr RA telah doa dan awan masuk ke dalam penjaranya sahaja (sambungan - kawan sepenjara telah minta beliau doakan supaya mereka dibebaskan - beliau telah doa untuk Allah pilih apa yang terbaik utk mereka - mereka telah dibunuh musuh dan syahid)


When da'wa become a collective effort and seeps into daily conversations

- story of Ummu Aiman RA that travelled outside the town while fasting, couldn't make back to the town while coming back before the iftar time - she prayed to Allah, so a pail comes down from the sky - after she drank, the pail returned back to the sky and she continues her journey back to the town

- story of Hassan and Hussain RA playing at Masjid Nabawi during Isya' prayer - Nabi SAW asked them, go back to your mother's house - Fatimah RA's house is not as close as Prophets' wives house around the Masjid Nabawi - Hassan and Hussain RA still small at that time (when Nabi SAW passed away, their ages are 6 and 7 years old) - as soon as they stepped out of the masjid, a lightning struck the night and the lightning stays frozen for awhile, enough for them to go back to their house - companions RA narrated that as if it was bright as daylight in the night

- story of Hujr bin Adi RA caught and imprisoned - had a wet dream and asked for water to bathe but refused - he bargained that the guard gave him his ration of drinking water in advance so that he can take bathe, and the guard does not need to give him water for several days - but the guard refused, fearing that Hujr RA will die of thirst and he'll be scolded for that - Hujr RA made doa to Allah - a black cloud appears and enters his prison, and his prison only, causing rain - he made bathe there and then - (epilogue: his friend seeing this miracle, asked Hujr RA to pray that they be released - Hujr RA prayed to Allah to decide what's best for them - they were later executed and died as martyrs)

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