
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Contoh yakinnya Sayidina Umar RA / Example of how convinced Sayidina Umar RA

Kisah masyhur, semasa Rasul SAW berhijrah, baginda telah dikejar oleh Suraqah, seorang penjejak (trekker / tracker?) yang mahir. Dan seterusnya, kisahnya sekian sekian, bila Suraqah ditanya oleh baginda, apakah ganjaran yang ditawarkan? Jawabnya, 100 ekor unta. Rasul SAW berkata, mafhumnya, Kamu mengejar aku kerana 100 ekor unta, aku tidak dapat bayangkan bagaimana keadaan kamu bila kamu memakai gelang- gelang Kisra.

Semasa pemerintahan Sayidina Umar RA, telah berlaku perang di mana kerajaan Parsi telah dapat dijatuhkan. Harta rampasan melimpah- ruah di luar kebiasaan; antaranya permaidani sebesar 3 padang bola sehingga perlu dipotong- potong, mahkota Kisra yang sarat bertatahkan permata dan berlian. Beratnya mahkota itu, sehinggakan perlu digantung dengan rantai- rantai emas, dan Kisra hanya meletakkan kepalanya tanpa menampung beratnya mahkota itu. Jika putus rantai- rantai itu, patah leher Kisra kerana beratnya mahkota itu.

Setelah dihimpunkan kesemua harta rampasan, maka senarai harta rampasan pun dibuat oleh Abu Ubaidah Jarrah RA. Abu Ubaidah RA, berdasarkan hadis Nabi SAW, merupakan orang yang paling amanah dalam umat ini. Bila diserahkan kepada Sayidina Umar RA, selepas membacanya, Umar RA berkata, "Senarai ini tidak lengkap." "Apa yang tidak lengkap?" "Ini tidak boleh diberitahu, kamu sendiri yang harus mencarinya."

Maka, dicari- cari di pelosok istana Kisra, hingga terjumpa satu pasu yang diisi jerami. Bila diangkat jerami, didapati gelang- gelang Kisra. Dan diserahkan kepada Sayidina Umar RA.

Sayidina Umar RA menyembunyikan gelang- gelang itu di belakangnya, lalu diperintahkan Suraqah RA dipanggil. Suraqah RA pun datang, lalu Sayidina Umar RA memintanya menghulurkan kedua- dua belah tangannya. Bila dihulurkan, Sayidina Umar RA pun memasang kedua- dua belah gelang itu. Menangislah Suraqah RA, terkenangkan kata- kata Rasul SAW terhadap beliau.

Betapa yakinnya Sayidina Umar RA terhadap kata- kata Rasul SAW, selepas berbelas- belas tahun berlalu (sejak Hijrahnya Rasul SAW), beliau masih ingat kata- kata baginda terhadap Suraqah. Sayidina Umar RA sanggup berkata senarai harta rampasan yang melimpah- ruah itu masih tidak lengkap, padahal dikumpul oleh seorang yang tidak lain, adalah orang yang paling amanah dalam umat ini. Bagi Sayidina Umar RA, orang yang paling amanah pun boleh berbuat silap, tapi janji Rasul SAW tidak pernah silap.


It's a famous story, during the migration of Rasul SAW, he was chased by Suraqah, a skillful tracker. The story goes, when Suraqah was asked by Rasul SAW, what is the reward offered for catching Rasul SAW, the reward is 100 camels. Rasul SAW said, more or less, You chased me because of 100 camels, I can't imagine what will you feel, when you got the bracelets of Kisra (Chosroe).

During the caliphate of Umar RA, a great battle occured where Persian Empire was defeated by Muslims. The war booties are so numerous, among them, carpets as big as 3 football fields, that later cut into pieces, and the crown of Kisra that is studded with gems and diamonds. The crown is so heavy that it needs to be hanged with golden chains, and the Kisra will just placed his head under the crown. If the chains crack off, the Kisra's neck will break because of the heaviness of the crown.

After all the booties were gathered, a list of them was made by Abu Ubaidah Jarrah RA, who is according to Rasul SAW, the most trusted person in my Ummat. When the list was handed to Sayidina Umar RA, Sayidina Umar RA read it for a while, and then said, "This list is not complete." "What's missing?" "I can't inform you, you have to find it yourself."

So, the whole palace of Kisra was searched, until they found a vase filled with hays. When the hays were lifted, there was the Kisra's bracelets hidden beneath. They were handed to Sayidina Umar RA.

He hid them behind his back, and ordered Suraqah RA to be summoned. When Suraqah RA came, Sayidina Umar RA asked him to give both hands. Sayidina Umar RA then helped putting the bracelets into Suraqah's hands. Upon this, Suraqah RA weeps in remembering the words Rasul SAW to him long time ago.

How convinced Sayidina Umar RA with the words of Rasul SAW, after years and years (since the migration), he still remembered what Rasul SAW said to Suraqah RA. He insisted that the list of numerous bounties and booties from the war was not complete, although the person who compiled it, is none other than the one that Rasul SAW said, the most trusted person in my Ummat. For Sayidina Umar RA, the most trusted person can still do mistake, but the words of Rasul SAW never have any slightest mistake.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kisah di Sri Lanka / Incident in Sri Lanka

Jemaah Malaysia keluar di Sri Lanka, berkesempatan pergi khususi (dakwah khusus) untuk membentuk jemaah ulamak di sana. Sampai di sesebuah rumah, rahaba (penunjuk jalan) akan tanya, langsir rumah ni warna apa, pintu warna apa, tangga macam ni tak, sekian sekian. Jemaah akan pastikan, ya betul, betul, warna sekian sekian, tangga macam sekian sekian.

Masuk ke rumah, tuan rumah sambut. Lepas seketika, tuan rumah tanya, datang dengan sapa? Jemaah jawab, ni orang tempatan ni, jadi rahaba saya. Tuan rumah kata, dia ni buta!

Maknanya, rahaba tu walaupun buta, dia hafal keadaan rumah- rumah di kampung tu, dan siapa penghuni- penghuninya, tanda hebatnya usaha tempatan yang dijalankan. Rahaba buta pun boleh tunjuk jalan!


A Malaysian jamaat that went to Sri Lanka, was going out to do khususi (individual visits) to form a jamaat of ulamak (scholars) over there. Whenever they reached a home, the local brother who guides them will ask, is the curtain this color, is the door this color, does the stairs look like this, etcetc. The Malaysian will confirm, yes, the curtain is that color, the door is like that, the stairs are like that, etcetc.

So, they entered the house, and greeted by the houseowner, an 'alim. After awhile, the alim asked, who do you come with? The Malaysian replied, with him, this local brother. The alim replied, this brother is blind!

This shows how great the local efforts in Sri Lanka, they knew inside out of each every houses and the residents, that even a blind brother can guide the way!

Laporan di Ternate / Reports at Ternate

Laporan jemaah keluar di Ternate:

Jemaah naik bot, takde pelabuhan. Rahaba (penunjuk jalan) bekalkan plastik kecil untuk setiap orang. Rupa- rupanya untuk bungkus duit dengan pasport. Sebab takde pelabuhan, kena turun dari bot, dan redah laut untuk ke darat / pantai.

Orang- orang tempatan telah sambut di pantai. Unggun api dipasang untuk keringkan beg- beg dan pakaian jemaah.

Waktu Zuhur, ramai orang datang. Bila jemaah tanya, ada kematian atau kenduri ke? Dijawabnya tak. Orang tempatan beritahu, lelaki 100% solat berjemaah.

Lepas solat, orang tempatan tasykil siapa sedia untuk nusrah taam (sediakan makanan) untuk jemaah? Ramai angkat tangan, dan peliknya ramai yang dipilih. Rupa- rupanya setiap ahli jemaah dibawa ke rumah- rumah yang berlainan. Lauk kangkung, sambal, ikan seekor. Cukup miskin dan daif. Tapi 100% lelaki solat berjemaah dan 100% wanita tutup aurat, kecuali beberapa orang jururawat yang bukan orang tempatan.


Report on jamaat that went to Ternate:

Jamaat rode a boat, but there's no jetty at the island. The local guide gives small plastics to each person. It turns out that the plastics are for keeping the monies and the passport from wet. Since there's no jetty, people have to wade through the water to get to the shore.

Local brothers greeted the jamaat and set up a fire to dry up the bags and the clothes.

During Zuhur time, many people turned out. When jamaat asks, is there any death or feast today, the local brothers answered no, this island, 100% men prays in jamaat (congregation).

After solat, local brothers asked for anybody who's ready to provide food to the jamaat. Many people raised their hands, and strangely many were chosen. Actually, what happened was, each member of jamaat were brought to different houses. The dishes are kangkung (a kind of green vegetation easily found), sambal (chilli paste?) and a small fish. Their conditions are very poor, but 100% men prays in jamaat, and 100% women covered their aurats, except some nurses who are not locals.

Usaha di rumah / Efforts at home

Usaha untuk mewujudkan suasana agama di rumah- rumah:

- Mesyuarat harian
- Muzakarah (perbincangan) 6 perkara oleh setiap ahli keluarga
- Muzakarah 5 adab: adab makan, adab tandas, adab safar, adab tidur, adab taalim
- Makan berjemaah sekurang- kurangnya 1 kali sehari.
- Muzakarah adab sunnah
- Pembahagian kerja: Dakwah, taalim, ibadat, khidmat

Q: Identiti rumah- rumah orang Islam?
A: Ada tabir!

Q: Macam mana nak lakukan usaha ziarah (gash) kalau 100% lelaki sudah ada di masjid? (utopia?)
A: Pergi rumah ke rumah, kemudian setiap suami (tuan kepada rumah itu) akan dakwahkan isteri- isteri dan wanita- wanita mereka.


Efforts at home:
- Daily musyawarah
- Discussion (muzakarah) on 6 points
- Discussion on 5 etiquettes: Etiquette of eating, etiquette of toilets, etiquette of travelling, etiquette of sleeping, etiquette of taalim
- Eating as one family at least once a day
- Discussion of etiquette of sunnah
- Dividing work: Dakwah, Taalim, Ibadat, and khidmat

Q: What is the sign of Muslims houses?
A: There's a curtain!

Q: How will we do visitation (jaulah) when 100% menfolk are already in the masjid?
A: Go from house to house, the husband (the owner of the house visited) will speak to his wives and womenfolk of that house.


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. We praise Him, seek His help, and seek His forgiveness. We seek His refuge from the evil of our souls and adverse consequences of our deeds from our deeds. Whoever Allah guides, there is none that can misguide him. Whoever He misguides, there is none that cam guide him.

I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. He's alone, having no partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad SAW is the messenger of Allah.

To proceed,

This blog is intended to keep record, or back-up, notes that I have written in the path of Allah, whether I'm in jamaat or when doing local effort (usaha tempatan). Most of the sources are from hearsay (cakap dengar), unless noted otherwise. Hence, they are to be taken as jist to improve ourselves, not to be debated about their authenticity, and that are left to be confirmed. Hopefully, one day, me, my offsprings, or anybody else can be benefitted from these notes.

And Allah knows best.

Abu Adi
Kemensah Heights
16 Rabiul Awal 1431