
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Doa during wudhu / Usage of leaves for going out

Doa / niat ketika berwuduk:

1. Berkumur – Ampunkan dosa lidahku

2. Muka – Cerahkan mukaku di hari kiamat

3. Tangan kanan – Jadikanlah aku menerima buku amalan dari tangan kanan

4. Tangan kiri – Jangan jadikan aku menerima dari tangan kiri

5. Kepala – Lindungiku dari kepanasan Mahsyar

6. Telinga – Ampunkan dosa telingaku

7. Kaki kanan – Kukuhkan langkahku di titian Sirat

8. Kaki kiri – Jadikanlah aku banyak melangkah ke tempat- tempat baik, bukannya tempat yang buruk


Doa / intention while doing ablution:

Gurgle - Please forgive the sins of my tongue

Face - Please whiten my face on the Day of Judgement

Right hand - Make me receive my book of deeds from my right hand

Left hand - Do not make me receive my book of deeds from my left hand

Head - Protect me from the heatness of Mahsyar

Ears - Please forgive the sins of my ears

Right foot - Strengthen my foot on the bridge of Sirat

Left foot - Make me go to the good places, not the bad places


Usage of leaves for going out:

Somebody asked Hadratji Inamul Hasan RAH, for those who are allocated with annual leaves, whether they should use the leaves for going out 3 days each month, or whether they should accumulate them for going out 40 days / 4 months. Hadratji replied:

- For 3 days, use annual leaves

- For 40 days / 4 months, submit an application (unpaid or not)

*Those who are istiqamah on going for 3 days, Allah will help them to go for 40 days / 4 months.

*Maulana Ilyas RAH’s reminder: A time will come when people who do little, are considered doing a lot, and people who are doing a lot, are considered doing little.

(Blogger - Maybe the meaning is, one who always go out for 3 days, seems little that he did, but it's actually has a huge impact, compared to the one who goes out for 40 days 4 months once in a while, looks big, but actually has small impact).


Penggunaan cuti untuk keluar di jalan Allah:

Seorang bertanya Hadratji Inamul Hasan RAH, bagi yang mendapat peruntukan cuti tahunan, adakah perlu digunakan untuk keluar 3 hari bulanan, atau boleh disimpan sehingga mencukupi untuk keluar 40 hari / 4 bulan (tangguh keluar 3 hari bulanan)?

Hadratji menjawab:
- Untuk keluar 3 hari bulanan, gunakan cuti tahunan
- Untuk keluar 40 hari / 4 bulan, hantarkan borang permohonan (minta asing)

*Mereka yang istiqamah 3 hari bulanan, Allah akan bantu untuk keluar 40 hari / 4 bulan.
*Peringatan Maulana Ilyas RAH: Akan datang suatu masa, di mana mereka yang melakukan banyak, sebenarnya melakukan sedikit. Mereka yang melakukan sedikit, sebenarnya melakukan banyak.

(Pemblog - Mungkin maksudnya, orang yang keluar 3 hari tiap- tiap bulan, nampak sikit je, tapi sebenarnya itu lebih besar kesannya. Berbanding mereka yang keluar 40 hari 4 bulan sekali sekala, nampak besar, tapi kesannya sebenarnya sedikit.)

Monday, May 30, 2011


*Coverage Map (more or less)

Halkah: Shah Alam Utara (north of Federal Highway + 'Batu Tiga' area)

Weekly Musywarah: Thursday night, Surau Raudhah Muttaqin, Seksyen 4.

Women's weekly program: Sunday 11 am, Jalan Mangga 4/2A, Seksyen 4.

Monday, April 18, 2011

neighbour, waiting, and sacrifice

Seorang Yahudi, jiran kepada Abdullah bin Masud RA, ingin menjual rumahnya. Harga yang diletakkan, ialah 100 ribu dirham. Walhal, harga semasa hanyalah 1000 dirham. Bila ditanya, jiran itu memberitahu, bukan tanah atau rumahnya yang mahal, tapi untuk berjiran dengan seorang jiran seperti Abdullah bin Masud RA itulah yang mahal.


Menunggu itupun termasuk dalam usaha agama.

Ø Untuk gash, kena tunggu. Untuk bayan, kena tunggu. Untuk bayan hidayat, kena tunggu.

Ø Berapa banyak masa kita sudah habiskan menunggu untuk urusan keduniaan. Menunggu untuk hal akhirat, jauh lebih bernilai dari menunggu untuk hal dunia.

Ø Menunggu itu sendiri satu proses tarbiah untuk jiwa.

Ø Menunggu dapat mengajar untuk kita bersabar dan banyak bersangka baik.


Apabila kita keluar, bukan kita sahaja yang berkorban:

Ø Isteri dan anak berkorban, untuk hal- hal di rumah bila ketiadaan suami

Ø Rakan pejabat berkorban, untuk ambil alih tugas kita

Hargailah pengorbanan mereka. Jangan sia- siakan masa yang telah diperolehi daripada pengorbanan mereka.


A neighbor of Abdullah ibn Masud RA, a Jew, wanted to sell his house. The offer price is at 100 thousand dirhams. The market value is only at 1000 dirhams. When asked, he replied, it’s not the house nor the land that is expensive, it’s having a neighbor like Abdullah ibn Masud RA that makes it expensive.


Waiting is also part of effort.

Ø For gash, we need to wait. For bayan, we need to wait. For hidayat talk, we need to wait.

Ø How much times have we spent for waiting for our worldly matters? Waiting for akhirat matters, is much much more valuable compared to waiting for worldly matters.

Ø Waiting itself is a process of rectification for ourselves.

Ø Waiting teaches us to be patience and have a good thought of others.


When we go out in the path of Allah, it’s not just us that make sacrifice.

Ø Our wive and kids, they sacrificed of doing household chores without father at home

Ø Colleagues at work, they sacrificed to take over our tasks / meetings at the office

Therefore, appreciate their sacrifices and spend our time wisely.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

masjid markaz di beberapa negara

Masjid Ar-Rahman, Amsterdam. Markaz di Holland / Belanda.

Masjid Ichinowari, Saitama. Salah satu markaz di Jepun.

Masjid Darussalam, Sakaimachi. Salah satu markaz di Jepun.

Makki Masjid, Ohanajaya. Markaz Tokyo. Bekas tempat karaoke.

Masjid Noor, Chicago. Markaz Chicago, Illinois, USA. Bekas gereja.

Masjid Noor, San Diego, California, USA. Salah satu markaz di California.

Masjid Al-Falah, Corona, New York. Markaz New York.

Masjid tempat berhimpun / malam markaz (tapi bukan markaz), Dearborn, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Masjid Dewsbury, London. Markaz UK.

Masjid Angulia, Singapore. Markaz Singapore.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Once, Prof Nadeem went 4 months to Indonesia. After completing 2 months, he received a message, that his parents were ill and needed care. With masywarah, he returned back to India, and went to take care his parents. Washing their clothes, cleaning their stools, for 2 years, he didn’t even go for 3 days. After 2 years, his parents passed away. So, he went back for 4 months. While in the 4 months, he dreamt of Nabi SAW came to him and asked, “Where have you been? I missed you.”

- Importance of doing masywarah

- Suppressing nafs (want to go out, but need to obey nasywarah)

- Nabi’s remark showed that his disappearance is accepted.