Doa / niat ketika berwuduk:
1. Berkumur – Ampunkan dosa lidahku
2. Muka – Cerahkan mukaku di hari kiamat
3. Tangan kanan – Jadikanlah aku menerima buku amalan dari tangan kanan
4. Tangan kiri – Jangan jadikan aku menerima dari tangan kiri
5. Kepala – Lindungiku dari kepanasan Mahsyar
6. Telinga – Ampunkan dosa telingaku
7. Kaki kanan – Kukuhkan langkahku di titian Sirat
8. Kaki kiri – Jadikanlah aku banyak melangkah ke tempat- tempat baik, bukannya tempat yang buruk
Gurgle - Please forgive the sins of my tongue
Right hand - Make me receive my book of deeds from my right hand
Left hand - Do not make me receive my book of deeds from my left hand
Head - Protect me from the heatness of Mahsyar
Ears - Please forgive the sins of my ears
Right foot - Strengthen my foot on the bridge of Sirat
Left foot - Make me go to the good places, not the bad places
Somebody asked Hadratji Inamul Hasan RAH, for those who are allocated with annual leaves, whether they should use the leaves for going out 3 days each month, or whether they should accumulate them for going out 40 days / 4 months. Hadratji replied:
- For 3 days, use annual leaves
- For 40 days / 4 months, submit an application (unpaid or not)
*Those who are istiqamah on going for 3 days, Allah will help them to go for 40 days / 4 months.
*Maulana Ilyas RAH’s reminder: A time will come when people who do little, are considered doing a lot, and people who are doing a lot, are considered doing little.
(Blogger - Maybe the meaning is, one who always go out for 3 days, seems little that he did, but it's actually has a huge impact, compared to the one who goes out for 40 days 4 months once in a while, looks big, but actually has small impact).
- Untuk keluar 3 hari bulanan, gunakan cuti tahunan
- Untuk keluar 40 hari / 4 bulan, hantarkan borang permohonan (minta asing)
*Peringatan Maulana Ilyas RAH: Akan datang suatu masa, di mana mereka yang melakukan banyak, sebenarnya melakukan sedikit. Mereka yang melakukan sedikit, sebenarnya melakukan banyak.