
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

People of masjid and ikhtilat

If we ‘hit’ upon people of the masjid when we do gash or door- to- door:

- We can say, “Alhamdulillah, people of the masjid! People of the masjid are the ones we really want to see most.”

- Be in a discussion mode.


Jikalau semasa gash atau dakwah pintu- ke- pintu, kita terjumpa ahli-ahli masjid (orang- orang yang biasa ke masjid):

- Kita boleh berkata begini, “Alhamdulillah, ahli masjid! Ahli masjid la yang kita paling nak jumpa sekali.”

- Letakkan diri dalam keadaan seolah- olah ingin berbincang.


Rules of ikhtilat:

- Khilafah

o Khalifah of Allah

o Ummat Nabi SAW

o Inheritors of Quran

- Kalimah

- Akhirah (or is it Risalah? i.e. importance of being involved in effort of Deen)


Peraturan semasa ikhtilat (bergaul dengan orang- orang tempatan):

- Khilafah

o Khalifah Allah

o Ummat Nabi SAW

o Pewaris Quran

- Kalimah

- Akhirah (ke Risalah? Risalah – pentingnya terlibat dalam kerja agama)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

khususi & a story


- If the house is too small, or lots of kids that can distract the conversation, bring the brother to the masjid, or further away, like lawns.

- The best place to speak is at the masjid, not at home, because full attention and the environment is there.


A brother wants to quit his job and go for 4 months. He already married. When an old worker at his place know about this, he advise him not to quit his job, but to do 2 things:

- Don’t miss the local efforts

- Do his job as best as he could.

So the brother cancels quitting and did the above. Later, after awhile, his father-in-law who used to dislike him for being involved in this effort, turned to like him because he didn’t left his family for long. His boss, seeing that he does his job excellently, said to him that he can go for 40 days, and the boss will wait for him to return, even for 4 months. The boss likes him and felt such a loss to sack him if he goes out. The brother then took his leave and goes out for 4 months:

- The benefit of doing consultation (masywarah)

- Slow and steady is better than going out and face problems

- Local efforts are important for us to go out.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Taaruf bayan (bayan Zuhur) Maulana Ilyas RAH

- One is qudratullah, one is sunnatullah.
- Without anything and any means, Allah creates things. This is qudratullah, like earth, humans, etc.
- Without prophets PBUH, Allah gives hidayat. This is qudratullah. With prophets, Allah gives hidayat. This is sunnatullah.
- When 2 things meet, Allah creates the third thing. This is sunnatullah. Like when a shopkeeper takes care of his shop, business comes in. When a blacksmith hits irons, sword is made. When man and woman have relationship, a child is born.
- When 2 forces get together, hijrah and nusrah, Allah spreads hidayat. This is sunnatullah.
- Just like sahabah RA, Muhajirin made full hijrah, and Ansar made full nusrah.
- When hijrah and nusrah are given their due rights, Allah spreads hidayat. We are unable to give due rights, but we can learn to imitate them.
- We are imitating Muhajirin. So now, we request local brothers to imitate the Ansar. (Note: Don't say "We're Muhajirin")
- Because it comes from hadith, that those who imitates a nation, they're from them.
- Who are ready to be with us for the whole 3 days?
- Who are ready to be with us for the whole day?
- Who are ready to be with us for now till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for Asar till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for Maghrib till Isyak?
- Who are ready to be with us for the bayan tonight?
(Note: Gradually, decrease the tashkil so that everybody is included.)

*Loose notes of what heard from Maulana Ismail, who heard it from Maulana Syahabuddin, who heard it from Miaji Mehrab, who heard it from Maulana Ilyas taaruf bayan.