A sahabiyah RA had her son martyred in a battle. She told Prophet SAW about her grief. Prophet SAW replied that if she wants, he could show her son walking in Jannah. But the sahabiyah RA refused. When she returned to her village, people asked her, why did you let go that chance? She said, if after Prophet SAW said that, and I agree to see it, it is as if I don't believe what Prophet SAW said, and have to confirm it with my eyes.
An army was told by its amir, not to attack until he gives such order. When they confronted the enemy, the enemy started attacking them with arrows and a few sahabis RA were martyred, but they didn't retaliate, since the amir kept quiet. After awhile, the amir shouted, Allahu Akbar, then the sahabah RA started attacking and eventually won the battle. When they returned to Madinah, the army informed Prophet SAW about this, so the amir was asked. The amir replied, we will not win by our strength, we can only win with the help of Allah. I told them not to attack because I want to assure that the help of Allah is with us when we're attacking. When I saw the angels descending from heaven, then I shouted Allahu Akbar.
Somebody asked Ali RA, who is the bravest sahabi? Ali RA, himself who lifted the Khaibar gate that required 40 people to lift it, said, the most bravest sahabi is Abu Bakar RA. When Rasul SAW made open da'wah in Masjidil Haram, and people started beating him, nobody said anything except Abu Bakar RA, who said, "Are you killing somebody just because he said his Rabb is Allah?" And even Abu Bakar RA got beaten himself. His words resemble the words of a person in the court of Firaun, but Abu Bakar RA words are much precious because he uttered it immediately, whereas the person in the court of Firaun said them after some arguments and discussions.