
Sunday, January 29, 2012

satu persatu mereka pergi

7 Jun 2011

"Ustaz Hassan meninggal dunia jam 4 pagi 7/6/2011 dan akan di solat jenazah beliau pada lepas solat Asar di Masjid Paya Bembam Kota Bharu Kelantan. Semoga Allah swt meletakkan beliau dikalangan para-para Syuhada."

28 Disember 2011

"Syura malaysia,Bhai Haji Khalid telah kembali ke rahmatullah sebelum waktu subuh."

29 Januari 2012

"Tuan Guru Hj Salleh bin Sheikh Osman Jalaluddin tuan guru telah kembali menemui Illahi pada hari ini 29 Jan 2012 di Mekah pukul 12.00 tengahari waktu Saudi."

Satu persatu mereka pergi diambil Allah.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

qubuliat / penerimaan / acceptance

Qubuliat / penerimaan:

- 3 supplications not to be missed by those involved on this effort:

o Rabbana la tuzigh qulubana (till the end)

o Allahumma habbib ilaina (till the end)

o Rabbana zolamna anfusana (till the end)

- “There are lots of people who are doing this effort, but they don’t realize they’re OUT of this effort.” – Maulana Saad

- “Ya Allah, if You decree that I will be out of this effort, what are the other efforts that can bring me to hidayat?” – Mufti Zainal Abidin RAH

- The effort is maqbul (accepted), but people who are doing it, may or may not be accepted.
Other efforts may or may not be maqbul, the people who are doing them, may or may not be accepted.

- “Ya Allah, whoever doing this effort for wordly gains, please take him OUT OF this effort.” – Haji Abd Wahab.