According to the hadeeth narrated by the great Sahabi Ibn al-Hanzaliyyah, the Prophet (PBUH) told his Companions, when they were travelling to meet some brothers in faith: "You are going to visit your brothers, so repair your saddles and make sure that you are dressed well, so that you will stand out among people like an adornment, for Allaah (SWT) does not love ugliness."[1]
The Prophet (PBUH) also advised moderation in food and drink: "There is no worse vessel for the son of Adam to fill than his stomach, but if he must fill it, the let him allow one-third for food, one-third for drink, and one-third for air."[2]
`Umar (RAA) said: "Beware of filling your stomachs with food and drink, for it is harmful to the body and causes sickness and laziness in performing prayers. Be moderate in both food and drink, for that is healthier for your bodies and furthest removed from extravagance. Allaah (SWT) will hate the fat man (one who revels in a life of luxury), and a man will not be condemned until he favours his desires over his religion."[3]
"Have a bath on Fridays and wash your heads, even if you are not in a state of janabah (impurity, e.g. following marital relations), and wear perfume."[4]
Imam Ahmad and al-Nisa'i report that Jabir (RAA) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) came to visit us, and saw a man who was wearing dirty clothes. He said, `Could this person not find anything with which to wash his clothes?'"
Bukhari reported from `Urwah (May Allah be pleased with her) via `Ata': "We heard `Aa'ishah the Mother of the Believers cleaning her teeth in the room . . ."[8]
Muslim also reports from `Urwah (May Allah be pleased with her) via `Ata': "We heard her using the siwak . . ."[9]
`A'aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) never woke from sleeping at any time of day or night without cleaning his teeth with a siwak before performing wudu'"[10]
The Prophet's concern for oral hygiene was so great that he said: "If it were not for the fact that I did not want to overburden my ummah, I would have ordered them to use the siwak before every prayer."[11]
`Aa'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) was asked what the Prophet (PBUH) used to do first when he came home. She said, "Use siwak."[12]
They are also at the heart of Islaam because the Prophet (PBUH) urged cleanliness on many occasions, and he detested unpleasant odours and an ugly appearance. He said: "Whoever eats onions, garlic or leeks should not approach our mosque, because whatever offends the sons of Adam may offend the angels."[13]
This is reported in the hadeeth quoted by Abu Dawud from Abu Hurayrah (RAA), who said: "The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) said: `Whoever has hair, let him look after it properly.'"[14]
The Prophet (PBUH) did not like people to leave their hair uncombed and unkempt, so that they looked like wild monsters; he likened such ugliness to the appearance of the Shaytaan. In al-Muwatta', Imaam Malik reports a hadeeth with a mursal isnad from `Ata' ibn Yassar, who said: "The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) was in the mosque, when a man with unkempt hair and an untidy beard came in. The Prophet (PBUH) pointed to him, as if indicating to him that he should tidy up his hair and beard. The man went and did so, then returned. The Prophet (PBUH) said, `Is this not better than that any one of you should come with unkempt hair, looking like the Shaytaan?'"[15]
The Prophet (PBUH) always took note of people's appearance, and he never saw a scruffily-dressed man with untidy hair but he criticized him for his self-neglect. Imaam Ahmad and al-Nisa'i report that Jabir (RAA) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) came to visit us, and he saw an unkempt man whose hair was going in all directions, so he said, `Could he not find anything with which to calm his head?'"[16]
Al-Qurtubi said: "Makhul reported from `Aa'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her): `A group of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) were waiting at the door for him, so he prepared to go out to meet them. There was a vessel of water in the house, and he peered into it, smoothing his beard and his hair. (`Aa'ishah said) I asked him, "O Messenger of Allaah, even you do this?" He said, "Yes, when a man goes out to meet his brothers, let him prepare himself properly, for Allaah (SWT) is beautiful and loves beauty."[17]
He regarded dressing well and looking good to be a demonstration of the Blessings of Allaah (SWT): "Allaah (SWT) loves to see the signs His gifts on His servant."[18]
Ibn Sa`d reports in al-Tabaqat (4/346) that Jundub ibn Makith (RAA) said: "Whenever a delegation came to meet the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH), he would wear his best clothes and order his leading Companions to do likewise. I saw the Prophet (PBUH) on the day that the delegation of Kindah came to meet him; he was wearing a Yemeni garment, and Abu Bakr and `Umar were dressed similarly."
Ibn al-Mubarak, Tabarani, al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi and others report that `Umar (RAA) said: "I saw the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) ask for a new garment. He put it on, and when it reached his knees he said, `Praise be to Allaah (SWT), Who has given me clothes with which to cover myself and make myself look beautiful in this life.'"[19]
Therefore Imaam Abu Hanifah (RAA) always took care to dress well and to ensure that he smelled clean and fresh, and urged others to do likewise. One day he met a man who used to attend his circle, who was dressed in scruffy clothes. He took him to one side and offered him a thousand dirhams with which to smarten himself up. The man told him, "I have money; I do not need this." Abu Hanifah admonished him: "Have you not heard the hadeeth, `Allaah (SWT) loves to see the signs of His gifts on His servant'? So you have to change yourself, and not appear offensive to your friend."
"Wretched is the slave of the dinar, dirham and fancy clothes of velvet and silk! If he is given, he is pleased, and if he is not given, he is displeased." [22]
| "A man's tongue is half of him, and the other half is his heart; What is left is nothing more than the image of flesh and blood."[23] |